Integrative wellness is like a dance with our inner self. It is a soul calling and it is one that is unique to every individual.
My Story:
After struggling with my health for over a decade and attempting – the key word here, attempting 😂 – to manifest external goals without many results, I learned that there was a correlation between manifesting and healing. The more I released, the more synchronizations showed up in my life! The great news is that this wasn't unique to my experience, which means it is accessible for everyone!!
Keeping up with my wellness and trying to live life was EXHAUSTING, though. I found that I was struggling to “keep up” with our fast-paced culture while trying to live a spiritually aligned life. I felt like I was drowning. Life balance was something I had come to value, so I was determined to figure it all out.
After spending two years behind the scenes, I developed a system called The Diamond Method. It is named after my dog, Diamond, who battled her own health conditions during all of this.
The Diamond Method is the accumulation of more than a decade of wellness, spiritual, and business growth. It blends our inner and outer worlds so we can live a harmonious and purpose-driven life.
How the Diamond Method Works:
Integrative wellness can be categorized into four facets, similar to a diamond. The top of the diamond is our higher self—the part of us that connects to a higher power—otherwise known as our inner guide or intuition. The three facets supporting it are the mind, body, and spirit.
Every decision we make either adds to or subtracts from these facets, shaping our diamond. When we begin to make conscious, healthier choices, we align our decisions and actions with the highest version of ourselves.
Integrating the Diamond Method into our Life:
The Diamond method is the bridge between our current reality and the reality our soul desires. As we create more inner balance and peace, everything around us will improve. Only when we have this harmony between our inner and outer world will we live a THRIVING life!!
Does this all sound intimidating?
It can be, but thankfully, we have the most powerful tools within us and around us that can help us navigate this terrain. By tapping into this innate power, we can receive guidance so we can make healthier and more authentic choices for our life. Our coaching methods can help guide you to listen to that inner wisdom so you can take inspired action and THRIVE!!
My Mission:
I am on a mission to help everyone live an empowered and prosperous life without spending YEARS struggling with exhaustion, overwhelm, and burnout trying to figure it all out. Everyone should feel balanced AND THRIVE ❤️🔥!
Remember, when we "shine bright like a diamond" 😉😂, we give everyone around us permission to do so as well!!
Living an empowered and prosperous life is a journey not a destination. Everyone taking this journey is a warrior 💓!
Find out your warrior's personality by submitting your e-mail below 🙌🏼💜!!